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Pioneer & Leader in International Health & Security Risk Management

Cost-effective measures for business travellers and international assignees

Aligning your travel risk management programme to ISO 31030

Become globally recognised as a leader in Duty of Care

Activate to access our latest security and health advice. Anywhere, anytime.

Risk Outlook 2025: Participate in Our Survey

Share your view to help shape the Risk Outlook 2025 report, relied upon by organisations worldwide, and get exclusive early access to the report.

40 Years of Saving Lives

  1. Demonstrating ROI for your Organisation
  2. Addressing ISO 31030
  3. Recognising Leaders in Duty of Care
  4. Download our Assistance App
  5. Risk Outlook 2025
  6. 40 Years Saving Lives
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Health & Security Services at your Fingertips

  • Senior Health & Security Advisors

  • 24/7 Assistance

  • Trusted & Timely Insights & Analyses

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We care for over 9,000 organisations, from more than 1,200 locations in 90 countries. Partnering with International SOS can help you strengthen your organisation´s resilience, improve your employees' health and wellbeing, and ultimately, reduce your costs.
Learn more about our approach
  • +36,400

    Health and Security Consulting Hours Delivered Last Year

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    Calls for Assistance Every Day

  • +2,200

    Medical and Security Evacuations in 2023


With organisations returning to travel and understanding how to go about this safely, the new ISO 31030:2021 provides vital guidance on how to protect your workforce. To evaluate your travel risk approach, our security and health experts have created a five-minute assessment which provides a customised report that you can take directly to your management.


Need Urgent Advice?

If you are an existing client with a medical or security question/concern, please call one of our Assistance Centres for support.

For any other enquiries, please email us.

*The designations employed and the presentation of these materials do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of International SOS concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
