Mental health is increasingly on the corporate agenda, with many organisations realising that the mental wellbeing of employees is a critical element of business success. However, while business travellers have been found to be more likely to suffer from stress than their non-travelling counterparts, organisations are lacking strategies to tackle this.
Watch our new video with Dr Rachel Lewis, Registered Occupational Psychologist, for insights and management tips.
Mental Health & Business Travellers from International SOS on Vimeo.
The business opportunities associated with international travel are undisputed, but research suggests that frequent travellers make three times as many claims for psychological treatment compared to those who don’t travel on business regularly. As employee mental health and its impact on business outcomes is increasingly scrutinised, new ground breaking research uncovers the rise in risky behaviours, burn out, and exhaustion of the international business traveller. This is combined with positive experiences including a sense of adventure, freedom and heightened engagement.
To foster business productivity and fulfil Duty of Care in a sustained way, organisations need to also understand how they can protect the mental health and physical wellbeing of their employees while travelling.
In our latest video, Dr Rachel Lewis, speaks about the organisational, social and individual factors that support and hinder the psychological health of International business travellers and provides some top tip mitigation measures.
For additional insights into this topic, download the white paper, with a toolkit of materials to support organisations, managers and international business travellers.
For further information on how International SOS can support your organisation and your people, contact us now.