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Vienna | Workforce Resilience Day 2023

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*This event will be conducted in German

The last two years have demonstrated that being successful and sustainable in business is heavily linked to the resilience of your workforce. And this includes your mobile workforce as well as people in different locations and subsidiaries.

Following that, we have extended our portfolio and kindly invite you to actively discuss with your peers in Security, HR, HSE and Risk Management during our Workforce Resilience Academy/ Day.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Crisis management: Who belongs in the crisis team and how do I ensure that it is functional at all times?
  • Mental Health: How do I create a Mental Heath Programme for my company?
  • Travel Risk Management: How can the new ISO 31030 standard help me meet my duty of care to mobile workers?

Please note that the number of attendees is limited. Sign up today and you will find further details on the registration page.