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In-Person Event

Middle East | Risk Outlook 2024


In light of the escalating geopolitical and climate-related crises observed this year, we will be holding our annual Risk Outlook in-person event in Dubai on 13 February 2024. The event will delve into three out of the five predictions from the Risk Outlook 2024 report which discusses the key risks and trends that organisations should prepare for this year.

You will also get an exclusive opportunity to attend a complimentary Crisis Management Workshop delivered by International SOS’ Gautier Porot, a recognised expert with more than 20 years’ experience in Corporate Operational Resilience.

Join our experts to learn about our top 2024 risk predictions for the Middle East, the business implications and how we can help your organisation successfully navigate the risk environment:

  • Dr Ehab Chalabie, Medical Director, Medical Services, Middle East
  • James Wood, Regional Security Director, Europe, Middle East
  • Nusrat Shariff, Consulting Practice Manager, Middle East
  • Gautier Porot, Regional Security Director, Consulting Practice




Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:30 Opening Remarks by Sebastien Bedu, General Manager, Middle East
09:45 Prediction 1
In Conversation with James Wood & Dr Ehab Chalabie

Storm Warning: Climate Change Comes Home


Prediction 2
Unpacking the Future with Dr Ehab Chalabie
Running on Empty: The Permacrisis takes its Toll

11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Prediction 3
A Deep Dive with James Wood

A Different Planet: Global Instability Deepens

11:45 Q&A and Closing Remarks
12:00 Crisis Management Workshop (NEW for 2024)
13:00 Wrap Up followed by Lunch

Lunch will be provided after the event.