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Risk Outlook 2024 banner with hands holding a globe, crowd of people, employee smiling, woman stressed at work, AI

In-Person Event

Hong Kong | Risk Outlook 2024

We are excited to invite you to our exclusive "Risk Outlook 2024" event, in which we will be unveiling our latest predictions for the upcoming year. Building on the success of our previous Risk Outlook report, which accurately forecasted the impact of rising geopolitical tensions, climate changes and increasing polarisation on businesses worldwide, our 2024 report delves into five interconnected predictions for the year ahead. In today's rapidly evolving landscape of escalating geopolitical and climate-related crises, it's crucial for organisations to prioritise risks, understand their interrelationship, and monitor changes in their urgency to ensure business continuity.

Our 2024 report aims to provide insights to help you navigate uncertainties and strengthen your strategies for enhanced resilience. Join us on Thursday, 18 January 2024, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM at 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway Admiralty, Hong Kong, where we will explore the key predictions outlined in our annual Risk Outlook. This event also gathers professionals from various industries to share their experiences and converse on great practices in protecting the workforce and promoting organisational sustainability and competitiveness.

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