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Case Study

Malls, Morale & Mental Health



Through a combination of union observations and employee feedback, a prominent European shopping centre operator witnessed concerning declines in employee mental health. In response, their Human Resources Director elevated the initiative, seeking expert guidance to craft a comprehensive Health Strategy that emphasised holistic wellbeing.


Although they meticulously collected a wealth of employee feedback, the challenge extended beyond the task of analysing this extensive data set. It also involved the need to discern the underlying issues at play. Their objective was to translate this understanding into a cohesive and impactful health strategy, yet the path forward remained elusive. Historically, they only carried out targeted actions by country and lacked the strategy and expertise to build a global strategy that would uniformly address employee mental health and wellbeing across the different regions within the organisation.


Conducting a thorough analysis, International SOS consultants assessed the group-wide internal survey results, exploring psychosocial risks, senior leadership perceptions, line management perspectives, and the overall approach to health and wellbeing. Our examination encompassed a deep dive into existing health prevention policies and programmes, alongside interviews with key stakeholders, aiming to grasp the nuanced workplace culture and contextual insights across diverse regions and countries. Utilising the CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark, International SOS consultants completed a comprehensive diagnostic.

Subsequently, International SOS consultants provided strategic recommendations for the Group's Wellbeing Roadmap, defining key focus areas. Through coordinated workshops, International SOS actively contributed to roadmap development and facilitated the operational deployment planning. The result was the creation of concrete, efficient, and operational action plans, each assigned to an accountable person, complete with a calendar of events, and well-defined monitoring and impact indicators.


Our consultants’ expertise and guidance reshaped the client's perspective to recognise Mental Health and Wellbeing as integral components of a thriving workplace culture. Post-diagnostic and roadmap development phases, our consultants instigated impactful initiatives and bespoke training programmes. From dynamic health promotion campaigns to tailored employee and manager training on mental health, our interventions were designed for enduring impact. Our consultants bridged identified gaps and actively contributed to the formulation of guidelines and policies that are now in effect. As advocates of continual progress, International SOS continues to support the strategic roadmap's implementation across the client's global footprint. To quantify advancements and ROI, our consultants will rigorously review and assess progress through our proven holistic approach.